Repsol Technical Assistance Team

We will help you use the right Repsol lubricant, at the right time, every time.

Physically located in AP region,
Repsol technical assistance team will provide you:

Detailed plan assessment

Customisation of our Repsol products

Following on-site field trials

Trouble shooting

Through our assessments, we help you avoid unexpected shutdowns and optimise the lubrication chart to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

We customise our products to satisfy your lubricant requirements with your requested features, helping you achieve a unique lubricant.

We carry out on-site field trials to ensure the right performance of the oil, following the agreed procedure, monitoring used oil condition, and issuing a final report with our recommendations.

We troubleshoot your site when recommending new oils, setting up new lubrication procedures or when faced with lubrication challenges to solve the problem, providing you the right solution to keep your equipment in the right condition.

Offering energy solutions for your everyday life

Our services are delivered through our highly trained Repsol technical team consisting of our field-based lubrication engineers.

In addition, we will also provide you with an effective and convenient tool to monitor the used oil analysis  – Repsol used oil analysis prog ram (ADOC). As equipment reliability starts with a consistent oil analysis program, our program has helped our customers for the past 25 years by monitoring the condition of the used oil in their systems. We have been successful in providing our customers an effective preventive maintenance program. The recommendations put forth have been proven to avoid unnecessary shutdowns in the plant, increase the plant’s efficiency, maximize the equipment life, and extend the service life of the lubricant.

By working closely with our customers, we explore testing regimes, identify appropriate sampling points, analyze the acquired used oil and recommend solutions in accordance to the status of the oil.

We offer you a comprehensive set of technical assistance services and used oil analysis reports to implement lubrication best practice in your company and to monitor the condition of the used oil. Through our services, we aim to help you achieve lubrication excellence in your plant.
